Sunday, 23 December 2012
Friday, 14 December 2012
Saturday, 8 December 2012
Saturday, 1 December 2012
Fashion, Society, Our Time
Monday, 5 November 2012
Beasts of the Southern Wild

It is about the nature, the freedom, the life through the magical view of a little girl (Hushpuppy)(with the background of Hurricane Katrine).
The message is "we do not want you to rescue us", we choose pain, suffering, cold, heat, hunger,... love, FREEDOM, we make our decisions so we ARE human beings.
Saturday, 20 October 2012
Very beautiful video, music by Sigur Rós
The Sigur Rós Mystery Film Experiment - Valtari from gonçalo soares on Vimeo.
Runner-Up in the Valtari Mystery Film Experiment. Our deepest thanks to all those who voted for this video.
"A big production number of sweeping ambition. beautifully executed and shot." -- Sigur Rós
At the feast of the unknown each face will be shown.
In a closed environment where so many characters have to interact in such a small amount of time there are different realms of thought and action all connected by the same flow. None of these realms is necessarily more real than the other, and none is supposed to be taken heavily.
This is an exercise on emotional and referential continuity above all else. It's about the small connections that can take one somewhere else whether it is real or not.
Directed by Gonçalo Soares
Produced by Susana António
Played by Alina Bilokon, Ana Água, Eduardo Frazão, Miguel Raposo, Maria Leite, Tiago Mansilha, João Robalo
Photographed by Claudio Buonfino
Art Direction by Sara Coimbra Loureiro
Edited by Ana Costa and Gonçalo Soares
Assistant director on set
Isabel Taunay
Assistant director (pre-production)
Mariana Castro
Production assistants
Ana da Vasa
Catarina Lee
Maria Leite
1st Camera assistant
Rogério Hortêncio
2nd Camera assistant
Ana da Vasa
Art and wardrobe assistant
Pedro Marum
Ana da Vasa
our special thanks to
Armando da Vasa
Maria Conceição da Vasa
João Abreu
Maria Cândida Abreu
José Raposo
Nuno Neves
Mariana Gaivão
Miguel Décio
Filipe La Féria
Carlos Moreira
Pedro Caldeirão
Tiago Vieira
Adriana Aboim
João Aboim
João Figueiras
Friday, 12 October 2012
Monday, 1 October 2012
Le Vent Nous Portera
Je n'ai pas peur de la route Faudrait voir, faut qu'on y goûte Des méandres au creux des reins Et tout ira bien là Le vent nous portera Ton message à la Grande Ourse Et la trajectoire de la course Un instantané de velours Même s'il ne sert à rien va Le vent l'emportera Tout disparaîtra mais Le vent nous portera La caresse et la mitraille Et cette plaie qui nous tiraille Le palais des autres jours D'hier et demain Le vent les portera Génetique en bandouillère Des chromosomes dans l'atmosphère Des taxis pour les galaxies Et mon tapis volant dis ? Le vent l'emportera Tout disparaîtra mais Le vent nous portera Ce parfum de nos années mortes Ce qui peut frapper à ta porte Infinité de destins On en pose un et qu'est-ce qu'on en retient? Le vent l'emportera Pendant que la marée monte Et que chacun refait ses comptes J'emmène au creux de mon ombre Des poussières de toi Le vent les portera Tout disparaîtra mais Le vent nous portera
Saturday, 29 September 2012
long non alcoholic night
this night is so dark that it is impossible to know who follows whom
Friday, 21 September 2012
He says we are finished, we never agree on anything now.
Let's go for a walk, he says. You will feel better then. So we come out here. And he says, Sonja, look at these hills, aren't they so beautiful? Aren´t we fortunate to come to such a place as this for our vacation? These hills are even more wonderful than he imagined them when we listen to Elgar. He ask me, isn't this so? Perhaps I become angry again. I tell him, these hills are not so wonderful. It is not how I imagine then when I hear Elgar's music. Elgar's hills are majestic and mysterious. Here, this is just like a park. This is what I say to him, and then it is his turn to be cross. He says in that case, he will walk by himself. He says we are finished, we never agree on anything now. Yes, he says, Sonja, you and me, we are finished.
Saturday, 30 June 2012
Friday, 8 June 2012
Sunday, 3 June 2012
Wednesday, 9 May 2012
Monday, 7 May 2012
Anchor Baby
who came from the sea.
And there was just one place
that she wanted to be.
With a man named Walker
who played in a band.
She would leave the ocean
and came onto the land.
He was the one
that she wanted the most.
And she tried everything
to capture this ghost.
But throughout all their lives
they never connected.
She wandered the earth
alone and rejected.
She tried looking happy
she tried looking tragic,
she tried astral projecting,
sex, and black magic.
Nothing could join them,
except maybe one thing,
just maybe...
something to anchor their spirits...
They had a baby.
But to give birth to the baby
they needed a crane.
The umbilical cord
was in the form of a chain.
It was ugly and gloomy,
and as a hard as a kettle.
It had no pink skin,
just heavy gray metal.
The baby that was meant
to bring them together,
just shrouded them both
in a cloud of foul weather.
So Walker took off
to play with the band.
And from that day on,
he stayed mainly on land.
And she was alone
with her gray baby anchor,
who got so oppressive
that it eventually sank her.
As she went to the bottom,
not fulfilling her wish,
it was her, and her baby,...
and a few scattered fish.
Friday, 20 April 2012
Thursday, 5 April 2012
Yayoi Kusama, Tate Modern, London
The first time I enjoyed this amazing museum was... some years ago and I did not have money, I had an student with small jobs... no money.
This is the reason why I have paid the more expensive rate this time. I would like to think that I am helping other people to de able to live the experience of walking through this galleries.
There were two temporary exhibitions. The first one was dedicated to Alighiero Boetti and was called "Game plan".
I did not known this artist and I think he is interesting but to be honest I can barely talk about this exhibition because the other one made a deeply impact on me. I felt that I have discovered one of my favourite artist.
I am talking about the exhibition of Yayoi Kusama. I know she is a very famous artist but this was my first time. Since the gate of the exhibition the atmosphere captivated me.
At the end I bought the catalogue for learning more about this Japanese woman and her career.
Instead of scanning all the book I prefer to recommend you this video:
Here you can see one of the examples of her art, "Infinite Room".
More information:
Friday, 30 March 2012
Friday, 23 March 2012
Indignation 6_Nobody Saw It Coming
TIME magazine
(December 26/2011- January 2/2012 issue)
Sunday, 18 March 2012
Sunday, 4 March 2012
An Introvert
Friday, 17 February 2012
Me and You and Everyone We Know
About people, about feelings,… the loneliness, the impossibility of understanding the others… The children’s gaze, their trip from innocency to maturity.
And the desperate fighting against the way the time goes by.
The fascinating and wonderful ordinary life. Our worries and happinesses. Our infinite sadness.
The life in a walk, during a walk, everything what has to happen has to happen before reaching the end of the street.
I strongly recommend “Me and you and everyone we know” by Miranda July.
(And... you and me together on our couch, embraced,...)
Saturday, 4 February 2012
to know how bad life gets
- Obviously, Doctor, you've never been a thirteen-year-old girl.
Friday, 3 February 2012
Sunday, 29 January 2012
Saturday, 28 January 2012
I have to buy any thing. I have to eat and drink a lot. I have to read, to lose myself in the Net. I have to go to pubs, to go to music concerts, to theatres, to cinemas… I have to keep my TV on all the time. I have to run without a place to reach. I cannot be quiet. If so I start to think and that is unbearable for me.
During nights like this morning I have the clear vision of loneliness. I am alone.
Friday, 27 January 2012
Saturday, 7 January 2012
Agnes Obel, Close Watch
Never win and never lose
There's nothing much to choose
Between the right and wrong
Nothing lost and nothing gained
Still things aren't quite the same
Between you and me
I keep a close watch on this heart of mine
I keep a close watch on this heart of mine
I still hear your voice at night
When I turn out the light
And try to settle down
But there's nothing I can do
'Cause I can't live without you
Any way at all
I keep a close watch on this heart of mine
I keep a close watch on this heart of mine
I keep a close watch on this heart of mine
Oh I'm sure
No harm will come to you no more
'Cause I find myself in your hands
Don't you be so hard on yourself
Oh oh ooh ooh